Personal Injury Attorneys Fighting For You
If you or a loved one has been injured due to the negligence of someone else, then you need an experienced attorney on your side. Insurance companies have people fighting hard to protect their interest; we fight to protect yours. Here at the Greensboro Law Center, our experienced personal injury attorneys know how the law works. We take time to explain your rights and to walk you through maximizing your recovery. Our attorneys will thoroughly negotiate your claim with the insurance companies. In the event that no settlement can be reached, then you will have experienced trial attorneys representing you in court.
Greensboro Divorce and Family Lawyers
Family matters are some of the most complex issues we deal with because the splitting of a family is never easy. Each family is different and therefor each family law case will be different as well. It is important to work with attorneys who are experienced in guiding families through the difficult process of separation and divorce.
Divorce Matters
The Greensboro Law Center handles most issues that arise in family law matters. Below is a list of the most common areas that we address in family law cases: Child support, Custody, Contested divorce, Divorce mediation, Domestic violence,
Enforcement of orders, Equitable distribution, Grandparent visitation, Hidden assets, Mediation and arbitration, Modification of orders, Property appraisals, Property settlements, Restraining orders, Separation agreements, Spousal support / alimony, and Visitation, Our team of family lawyers is experienced in dealing with family law matters. We take special care to guide each client through North Carolina family law and to clearly explain how separation and divorce will impact finances, belongings, child support and visitation.
Divorce and Family Law Attorneys
It is important to work with a legal team that you feel comfortable with and that you can trust. At the Greensboro Law Center, forming that relationship with you is a top priority. We will help guide you through the difficult process of separation and divorce while aggressively representing your rights.
Contact the Greensboro Law Center, today to have an experienced attorney guide you through your family law matters.
DePuy Pinnacle Hip Claims / Hips
If you were implanted with a DePuy Pinnacle Metal-on-Metal hip, you may have a legal claim due to the high number of reported failure rates. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has received hundreds of adverse event reports regarding various DePuy Pinnacle products. Some of those adverse event reports included situations in which the patient required revision surgery because the implant was loosening or coming out of position.
Invokana Lawsuit
We are currently investigating claims that the manufacturer of Invokana failed to warn patients and physicians of the increased risks of kidney failure, myocardial infarction (heart attacks), other cardiovascular issues and ketoacidosis. We believe that if the manufacturer had properly warned of the risks, patients would have been prescribed a different medication for their diabetes, and certainly would have had their health monitored on a more frequent basis for potential signs of heart issues, renal impairment, and high level of keystones. If you or a loved one suffered kidney failure, heart attach, other cardiovascular issues or ketoacidosis while or after taking Invokana contact the Greensboro La2w Center for a free, confidential, no obligation, consultation with one of our attorneys.
Talcum Powder Lawsuit
If you or a loved one developed ovarian cancer after using a personal hygiene product containing potentially dangerous talcum powder contact a talcum powder ovarian cancer lawyer at the Greensboro Law Center for a free case evaluation. If you or a loved one developed ovarian cancer after using a product containing talcum powder, call the Greensboro Law Center for a free, confidential, no obligation, consultation with one of our attorneys.
Taxotere Hair Loss Lawsuit
The Taxotere lawsuit alleges the manufacturer of Taxotere (Sanofi-Aventis) failed to warn patients and physicians of the increased risks of permanent alopecia (loss of hair) through the use of Taxotere during chemotherapy. If you or a loved one took Taxotere and suffered permanent hair loss, you may have a legal claim assistant the manufacturer. Contact the Taxotere Hair Loss lawyers at the Greensboro Law Center for a free, confidential, no obligation, consultation with one of our attorneys.
North Carolina Business Law Attorneys
Our attorneys at the Greensboro Law Center are equipped with a foundation of experience to provide excellent legal services for your business disputes. This approach ensures that you are receiving the best representation and value for your business law needs.
Business Law Services
We provide comprehensive business legal services listed below. Please contact us if you have questions regarding a specific service or if you are not sure which practice area your legal issue may reside. We represent businesses of all sizes.
Acquisition of businesses
Breach of fiduciary duty
Business formation
Corporate finance
Contract disputes
Contract drafting
Dissolution of businesses
Employment matters
Non-compete contracts and litigation
Shareholder disputes

Contact our firm today to speak with an experienced business law / business disputes attorney.